Brighton Pop-Up 2019
An amazing way to end 2019: The third pop-up & the best one yet.💥 In numbers 🤓: 1.5 pop-ups 459 customers 48 brands 32% of gifts sold had a social impact 29% were eco-friendly 24% were sustainable lifestyle items 15% were ethical gifts 157 plastic-free lifestyle gifts sold 43 gifts sold supporting children’s charities 63 gifts sold supporting charities for adults 54 artisan gifts sold supporting makers 67 eco-friendly products sold 1 shop with no electricity(!) 32 rechargeable lights 2 wonderful charities donated to, with thanks to the profits made 9 family & friends who lifted, cooked, unpacked, promoted,...
Dates for your Diaries

Last Minute Mother's Day Gift Guide - ToyDrop x A Circle Back

GIVE - The Book

Give - written by Melissa Bowden & Illustrated by Jessica Wong What does it mean to give? A boy hugging a bear, a girl with a sieve, a man with one glove and a lady with a pet dove help answer the important question of what it really means to give. 100% of profits from GIVE will be donated to support children's charities. Find out more below. From the founder of A Circle Back Melissa Bowden and talented artist and surface designer Jessica Wong comes Give, a book to treasure. A funny, whimsical and poignant celebration of what it truly means to...
Pop-Up #1 - London | Summer 2018